How to Check Responsive Web Pages by Inspecting: A Guide for Web Developers

Maheen Waris | Oct 11, 2023 min read

In the era of web development, ensuring that your website is responsive across various devices is essential. Responsive design guarantees that your site looks and functions well on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. One of the most valuable tools at a web developer’s disposal for testing and ensuring responsiveness is the browser’s inspection tool. In this article, I’ll explore how to check responsive web pages by inspecting with a focus on Google Chrome’s DevTools.

Understanding Responsive Design

Before we dive into the inspection process, let’s briefly revisit what responsive design means. Responsive web design is an approach aimed at creating websites that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. It ensures that users have an optimal experience, no matter the device they’re using.

1: Open Chrome DevTools

To begin inspecting your web page’s responsiveness, open Google Chrome and navigate to the web page you want to check. Right-click on any element on the page and select “Inspect” or simply press Ctrl + Shift + I (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac) to open Chrome’s DevTools panel.

2: Toggle Device Toolbar

Once DevTools is open, you’ll see a panel with various tabs at the top. Locate the “Toggle Device Toolbar” icon in the top-left corner (or press Ctrl + Shift + M or Cmd + Option + M on Mac). Click it, and your web page will now be displayed as if it were viewed on a mobile device.

3: Select a Device

Next, you’ll see a dropdown menu in the device toolbar that allows you to choose from a variety of predefined device profiles. These profiles simulate different screen sizes and resolutions, such as various iPhone models, Android devices, and tablets. Select the device profile you want to test. If the specific device you’re looking for isn’t available, you can manually adjust the screen dimensions.

4: Inspect Elements and Responsive Behavior

With the device toolbar active, you can now inspect elements of your web page as they appear on the chosen device. Click on the inspection pointer icon (or press Ctrl or Cmd on your keyboard) to hover over elements and view their dimensions and spacing. You can also select elements to inspect their styles and layout.

5: Test Interactivity

Responsive design isn’t just about how elements appear; it’s also about how they function. While inspecting, interact with your website just as a user would on the selected device. Test buttons, links, forms, and any other interactive elements to ensure they work smoothly.

6: Adjustments and Debugging

If you notice any issues with the layout or functionality during your inspection, Chrome DevTools allows you to make temporary CSS changes directly in the browser. You can adjust styles, fix layout problems, or experiment with different configurations to see how they affect responsiveness. Remember that these changes are temporary and won’t affect your actual website.


Using Google Chrome’s DevTools and the device toolbar, you can easily check the responsiveness of your web pages across various devices and screen sizes. This powerful toolset empowers web developers to identify and address any issues related to responsive design, ensuring that your website provides an exceptional user experience for visitors on all devices. Make it a routine practice to inspect and test your web pages with DevTools to deliver top-notch responsiveness.